
Showing posts from February, 2022

進階片語單字 Advanced Phrase and Vocabulary (中高級檢定 TOEIC 800+能力養成) by David Pai

  進階片語單字 Advanced Phrase and Vocabulary (中高級檢定 TOEIC 800+能力養成) by David Pai Yutube

TOEFL_IELTS 托福雅斯單句聽力養成訓練(2)(簡體) compiled by David Pai

  TOEFL_IELTS 托福雅斯單句聽力養成訓練(2)(簡體) compiled by David Pai Yutube

TOEFL_IELTS 托福雅斯單句聽力養成訓練(簡體) (1) compiled by David Pai

  TOEFL_IELTS 托福雅斯單句聽力養成訓練(1)(簡體) compiled by David Pai Yutube

TOEFL_IELTS Listening Practice 托福雅斯聽力訓練 Compiled by David Pai

  TOEFL_IELTS Listening Practice   托福雅斯聽力訓練 Compiled by David Pai Yutube

所有場合口說實用英文 All Occasssions' English Speaking by David Pai

  所有場合口說實用英文 All Occasssions' English Speaking by David Pai YUTUBE:

商務英語聽力(9) 詢價 Inquiry Compiled by David Pai

  商務英語聽力(9)    詢價 Inquiry     09  詢價 Inquiry Basic Expressions 1. Our buyers asked for your price list or catalogue. 我們的買主想索求你方價格單或目錄。 2. Prices quoted should include insurance and freight to Vancouver . 所報價格需包括到溫哥華的保險和運費。 3. I would like to have your lowest quotations C.I.F. Vancouver. 希望您報成本加運費、保險費到溫哥華的最低價格。 4. Will you please send us your catalogue together with a detailed offer? 請寄樣品目錄和詳細報價。 5. We would appreciate your sending us the latest sam ples with their best prices. 請把貴公司的最新樣品及最優惠的價格寄給我們,不勝感激。 6. Your ad in today’s Taipei Daily interests us and we will be glad to receive samples with your prices. 對你們刊登在今天《台北日報》上的廣告,我們很感興趣。如能寄 來樣品並附上價格,不勝欣慰。 7. Will you please inform us of the prices at which you can supply? 請告知我們貴方能供貨的價格。 8. If your prices are reasonable, we may place a large order with you. 若貴方價格合理,我們可能向你們大量訂貨。 9. If your quality is good and the price is suitable for our market, we would consider signing a long-term contract with you.

商務英語聽力(8) 產品問題 About Products Compiled by David Pai

  商務英語聽力(8)   產品問題 About Products Basic Expressions 1. We’ve received the sample that you sent us last Sunday. 我們已經收到了上星期天你方寄來的樣品。 2. We’ve got here our sales samples Type One and Type Two. 這裏是我們一號和二號銷售樣品。 3. Our quality is based solely on our sales samples. 我們的質量完全以貨樣為准。 4. We sell goods as per the sales sample, not the quality of any previous supplies. 我們銷售產品是以貨樣為標準,而不是憑過去任何一批貨的質量。 5. You know we sell our tea according to our samples. 我們憑貨樣銷售茶葉。 6. You can’t see the difference between these grades. 你可以看看這些等級的差別。 7. These two grades are very much in demand. 這兩種等級(的貨)目前需求很大。 8. We are in urgent need of these two grades. 我們急需這兩種等級的貨。 9. The color of the shipment is much darker than that of your previous consignment. 這批貨的顏色比上批要暗許多。 10. No doubt you’ve received the rejected samples of the inferior quality goods. 你們一定收到了質量低劣的抽樣品。 11. I must advise you of the specifications of the goods. 我必須告訴你貨物的規格。 12. Have you received the speci

商務英語聽力(7) 參觀工廠 Visiting A Factory Compiled by David Pai

  商務英語聽力(7)    參觀工廠 Visiting A Factory 參觀工廠  Visiting A Factory Basic Expressions 1. We look forward to our tour of your plant. 我們盼著參觀你們工廠。 2. If it is not too much trouble, we would like to talk to some of the technicians. 如果不是太麻煩的話,我們想與一些技術員談一談。 3. We learned a lot about your facilities and the process of wine making. 關於你們的釀酒設備和釀酒過程,我們瞭解了不少情況。 4. We’re interested in learning about your food-making and pack- aging process. 我們想向你們學習食品加工和包裝過程。 5. It was very kind of you to give me a tour of the plant. 謝謝你陪同我參觀工廠。 6. You will surely know the products better after the visit. 參觀工廠參觀後你對我們的產品肯定會更瞭解。 7. Let me give you this list of departments first. 我先給你這份各個部門的清單。 8. Next to each department is its location and the name of the manager. 在每個部門的旁邊都標有其具體位置和經理的姓名。 9. Please let us know when you will be free so that we can arrange the tour for you. 請告訴我們你們什麼時候有空,我們好作安排。 10. Does the plant work with everything from the raw material to the finished pr